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Grennan Chiropractic


Dallas County Texas

Grennan Chiropractic - Chiropractors in Irving, Texas

Dallas County, Irving, Texas 
(972) 253-1500 |   LinkedIn   Facebook   5.0 Star Rating

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Better Buyer

Our business directory helps consumers pick the best businesses for their biggest purchases and supplements our daily consumer news show. In the episode below, we discuss the key factors you should consider when considering chiropractic care in Dallas County Texas.

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Business Status.

Grennan Chiropractic is a Better Buyer honorable mention. To learn more about elite business tiers, click on a category below.

Grennan Chiropractic is a Better Buyer honorable mention.
Grennan Chiropractic is a Better Buyer honorable mention.

About Grennan Chiropractic

Grennan Chiropractic, located in Irving, Texas is a premier healthcare facility recognized for its exceptional chiropractic care. Established by Dr. Kevin Grennan, a distinguished chiropractor with over 20 years of experience, the clinic is committed to providing personalized treatment plans designed to help patients achieve optimal health. Grennan Chiropractic focuses on a holistic approach, integrating corrective exercises, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle advice along with professional chiropractic care. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and adheres to the highest standards of service, making it a trusted destination for quality healthcare in Dallas County, Texas. Their dedicated team is highly trained, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive chiropractic solutions tailored to their specific needs - all in a comfortable, welcoming environment.

Services Offered

Chiropractic Adjustments
Massage Therapy
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Corrective Exercises
Cupping Therapy
Graston Technique
Physiotherapy Services
Personal Injury Treatment
Sports Injuries Rehabilitation
Workplace Injuries Treatment

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In this episode, we discuss the key factors you should consider when considering chiropractic care in Dallas County Texas. Our consumer news shows, articles, buying guides, company ratings, and business reviews help people make better purchasing decisions while promoting companies striving to provide customer service excellence.

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Our business directory and buyer guides help consumers pick the best businesses for their biggest purchases and supplement our daily consumer news show. In this episode, we discuss the key factors you should consider when considering chiropractic care in Dallas County Texas.

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